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This Article, Orthrus Shark, is Property of SuBash.

Double shark
Orthrus Shark

オルスルアス シャーク


Orusuruasu Shaaku


Orthrus Shark


Guard Shark


Fish Beast

Capture Level



5 m


1 m




Eurytion Sea


Venom Spines
Water Pressure Cannon



Orthrus Sharks (オルスルアス シャーク Orusuruasu Shaaku) are a species of dogfish shark that have two heads. They are sometimes known as Guard Sharks due to the way they seemingly guard the sea Deep Sea Cow's live in, Eurytion Sea. In actuality, they are just extremely viscous and don't guard the marine mammals at all, as they are part of the sharks main diet.


Orthrus Sharks have two heads that are separated by the horizontal axis of their bodies, giving them two top halves of their bodies. Their eyes glow yellow and have two mouthfuls of large, razor sharp teeth. They have one bottom jaw that they share with both heads. This bottom jaw has a metallic appearance with an opening at the very front. The shark heads can push the water in their mouths out of this hole at very fast speeds, creating a water cannon of sorts. The dorsal fins of Orthrus Sharks are spiny and can deliver a lethal venom if pricked by one.


Orthrus Sharks live in giant schools at and around the surface of the turbulent sea they live. While they do live together like that, they aren't friendly towards one another and just happen to be hunting in the same area. They will eat any meat, living or dead, that comes near them, or at the very least will try to. The two heads of the shark will try to fight for dominance over the other by being on top, so they tend to spin around a fair bit. When they spot some prey from a distance away, the will begin swimming towards it, and will fire their water pressure cannon at it to test it out. This works against most prey, with the exception being Deep Sea Cows, as they can read the water currents and avoid it. They will then try to kill it by eating it alive. If they can't do this quick enough and their prey is getting away, they will generally try to inject them with their venom, but again, Deep Sea Cows seem to be one of the few this tactic doesn't work against as they have developed a resistance to it.

As Food[]

Orthrus Shark is considered to be a very delicious fish dish. The only edible part though is the fillet. As one prepares the shark, they cut open the venom sacks and let the meat marinate in the venom. Because it is their own venom, they are immune to the effects, so this action doesn't spoil the meat. Instead, the proteins in the venom actually match up perfectly with the shark fillet that it makes the dish unspeakably more delicious.

Behind The Scenes[]

  • It is based off of the two-headed dog who guarded Geryon's Cattle from Greek Legend, Orthrus.
  • It's appearance is of Double Shark from Yu-Gi-Oh.